Tips for Safe Homecoming With a Private Car

News picture Tips for Safe Homecoming With a Private Car
date_range 2022-08-29
schedule 19:54:20
Tips for Safe Homecoming With a Private Car

Homecoming is one of the traditions that are usually carried out by the Indonesian people when approaching Eid. Returning to their hometown during Eid and meeting with their extended family is the most popular way for the community to celebrate victory.


Traveling back and forth by private car is indeed one option so that you can get to your hometown more practically.


JBA shares tips for those of you who want to travel back and forth to your hometown by using a private car.



Do Vaccination
As we know that regulations from the government require vaccination at least 2 times when going home, even if you have booster vaccinations it is even better. Homecoming trips will be safer if you have vaccinated according to government recommendations.

In addition to vaccination, also prepare health protocol equipment because after all we are still in a pandemic period. Always have personal medicines, masks, hand sanitizers, and so on.

Plan the Route To Be Traversed
Make sure before leaving you have chosen the best travel route in your opinion so that it will be more efficient when you leave for your hometown. You can choose toll roads that are practical and free of obstacles, arterial roads, or alternative roads to avoid traffic jams.

Also determine when you will stop at several rest areas to rest for a while on the way.

Check Readiness of Used Car
Ensuring the condition and readiness of the car for going home is very important. Make sure the car is in top condition so that you will be comfortable while traveling. A car that is in top condition will also keep you away from obstacles on the road later.

The conditions that need to be checked include the main components of the car, such as the battery, engine, tires, brakes, lights, to the fuel tank.


4. Rest Enough
In conditions of fasting and on a journey that takes a long time, adequate rest is a must. Don't force your body to get tired while driving.

Stop at rest areas so you can rest comfortably. Driving in top condition makes traveling home safer and more enjoyable.

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