Tips on Checking Used Car Suspension Conditions Easily

News picture Tips on Checking Used Car Suspension Conditions Easily
date_range 2022-08-30
schedule 20:46:07
Tips on Checking Used Car Suspension Conditions Easily

JBA - One of the factors causing the car's suspension to be problematic or damaged is the result of your frequent passing through potholes. Therefore, you need to know how to detect whether there has been damage to your car's suspension.

Used cars in general often experience suspension problems, such as legs that are not straight, oil leakage shock breakers, thinning of bearings per car, damage to the ball joint, to damage that occurs in the control arm bearings.

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As is known, the car's suspension system consists of several supporting components, just call it per, sokbreker, bushing arm, until the stabilizer rod that you need to pay attention to. The following are some components that you can check for damage in more detail when buying a used car, including:


This component serves to reduce excessive swinging of movement per so that the car becomes more stable and does not continue to swing after going through a bumpy road at high speed.

How to detect damage to this component is quite easy, you only need to press the top of the car's wheels or when the car passes a bump or bump to pay attention to the swing. If the car swings more than once, it can be ascertained if the sokbreker is weak.

If you see oil seepage around this component, then immediately replace the sokbreker with a new one.


Based on the type, per divided into two, namely the spiral alias snail and leaf alias leaf. Both have the same function, which is both functioned to reduce shocks that occur due to uneven and perforated road contours.

Compared to other components, per has a relatively long service life, so sometimes it is often ignored by the owner.

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To detect damage that occurs in a spring, you can check it from outside conditions per, as well as the flatness of the vehicle's position when it is on a flat road surface. If the vehicle's position is tilted, it can be ascertained if the condition of one of the cars has been damaged and needs to be replaced with a new one.

Bushing Arm

This component serves as a liaison between the arm and the chassis so that the inter-metal contact does not occur which can cause contact noise collision between metals, and steering will be more numerous.

To detect damage easily, you only need to listen to the squeaking sound. If the suspension squeaks, it appears that the rubber bushings have cracked and need to be replaced immediately.

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