Buy Cars and Motorcycles Auction Now Get Credit, Only at JBA

News picture Buy Cars and Motorcycles Auction Now Get Credit, Only at JBA
date_range 2022-10-04
schedule 17:00:25
Buy Cars and Motorcycles Auction Now Get Credit, Only at JBA

Jakarta – Now buying used cars and motorbikes at auction can be paid in installments on credit. Those of you who usually participate in auctions at the JBA auction hall have many options to pay off the car or motorcycle that you won at the auction. Besides Flexi Pay, one of the payment features that can be used by JBA auction participants is JBA Credit. This credit payment program in collaboration with various finance companies makes it easier for you to get your coveted used cars and motorcycles. You only need to pay a down payment and administrative fees and you can bring your dream vehicle home as long as your credit application is approved.


How to use JBA Credit is quite simple and you can choose according to your profile or needs. Here are the steps to use JBA Credit to get your dream vehicle at the JBA auction house:


  1. Visit the website or contact our call center at 1500-369.
  2. Check and select the financial company that best suits your needs.
  3. Apply and register yourself by visiting the website of financial companies that have collaborated with JBA on the JBA Credit page.
  4. After submitting, you will immediately receive further information regarding your application. If approved, the financial company will provide an approved credit limit.
  5. Once accepted, you can participate in the auction at JBA and win the vehicle of your dreams.


Well, let's register yourself at JBA Credit to get your dream car and motorbike easier. For security, you don't need to worry because JBA works with trusted financial companies to provide vehicle purchase facilities at JBA on credit. To check further you can click here or contact customer service at 021 1500 369 for more detailed information about JBA Credit.

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