JBA Contributes, Optimizes Kindness

News picture JBA Contributes, Optimizes Kindness
date_range 2022-08-31
schedule 18:48:51
JBA Contributes, Optimizes Kindness

JBA - PT JBA Indonesia will distribute aid to victims of natural disasters that occurred in Indonesia during January 2021, starting from landslides in Sumedang, West Java, followed by floods in South Kalimantan, earthquakes in West Sulawesi, Mount Semeru erupting in East Java, to floods in North Halmahera district, North Maluku.


Through the JBA Contributed CSR program, JBA invites all JBA customers and employees to optimize the good for victims of natural disasters, especially during the current pandemic. Every car and motorcycle transaction at an auction that takes place during February will be set aside for victims of natural disasters. Each unit of vehicle paid for will be donated of IDR 15,000 / car and IDR 5,000 / motorbike. JBA employees throughout Indonesia also actively participate in raising funds and goods for use for victims of natural disasters.


The JBA Program Contributing to victims of natural disasters in early January 2021 will collaborate with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI). All funds collected will be distributed through PMI to be distributed according to the needs of the affected areas.


Not only donations from auctioned unit transactions, JBA also opens opportunities for customers, especially JBA auction participants if they want to provide more assistance in the form of funds or goods. So, if you are currently moved to provide assistance for victims who are still struggling during this pandemic, you can immediately distribute your donation. For those of you who want to donate directly, you can transfer funds to the Bank Mandiri account: 1650088870887 on behalf of PT JBA Indonesia by adding the unique code number 1 in the last nominal. Example: The amount of donation you want to distribute is IDR 100,000, so please transfer it to IDR 100,001.


For more information, you can send an email to markom@jba.co.id

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